19804 Maycrest Way
Germantown MD 20876 USA
301 806-0867
NMRWish Built-In TCL Functions
gdbSort: Sort the data in a GDB database table according to a given column (variable). OBSOLETE: replaced by the more flexible function gdbSortTab.
Usage: gdbSort [<|>]varHandle [options] Options:
1. Append a '>' prefix to the variable to sort that variable in ascending order. 2. Append a '<' prefix to the variable to sort that variable in descending order. 3. For custom sorting via the -proc option the TCL procedure should return -1, 0, or 1 when two entries are compared: proc sortProc {v1 v2 d} ... Where: v1 is a the value from entry 1. v2 is a the value from entry 2. d specifies the sort direction as 1 or -1. 4. The gdbSort function has been replaced by the function gdbSortTab. |