Frank Delaglio, Ph.D.

19804 Maycrest Way
Germantown MD 20876 USA

301 806-0867

Scripts of the NMRPipe System
deco.tcl: Decompose a 1D dataset as a Linear Combination of Others.

Flag Argument Default Description
 -in inName brain.ft1 Input Name of Data to Decompose.
 -out outName deco.ft1 Output Name of Combination.
 -tab outTabName Output Name of Coefficient Table.
 -dif difName dif.ft1 Output Name of Difference.
 -inList inNameList ft/*.ft1 List of Basis Names.
 -sigma stdDev 0.0 Std Dev of Noise (Use 0 for Auto).
 -verb Verbose Mode ON (Default).
 -noverb Verbose Mode OFF.