Frank Delaglio, Ph.D.

19804 Maycrest Way
Germantown MD 20876 USA

301 806-0867

Programs of the NMRPipe System
pipe2xyx: Write an NMRPipe Multidimensional Data Stream

  pipe2xyz -out outListName < inName
Output Order Arguments (Choose Only One):
Flag Argument Default Description
 -x Output X-Vectors XYZ. (Default).
 -y Output Y-Vectors YXZ.
 -z Output Z-Vectors ZXY.
 -a Output A-Vectors AXY.
 -nv Output in NMRView Format, XYZ Order.
Other Optional Arguments:
 -in inName Input Name.
 -mem memMB 0 MByte Memory Buffer. (Use Zero for Auto).
 -fdata loc val ... Adjust File Header.
 -first firstPlane First Plane to process.
 -last lastPlane Last Plane to process.
 -inPlace In-Place Processing. (Implies -nofs)
 -notrunc Suppress Truncation of Files Larger than Header Shows.
 -nocreat Suppress Truncation of Files During (Parallel) Processing.
 -nodir Suppress Directory Creation.
 -verb Verbose Mode On.
 -help Prints Help Text.
Stream I/O Control:
 -nofs No File Size Check (Default for Processing a Sub-set of the Data).
 -mt maxTries -1 Maximum Retry Count for I/O.
 -to uSecTimeOut 0 Delay Between I/O Retries.
Output Name Format Examples:
 ft/test%03d.ft3          Typical Z Format Template.
 ft/test%02d%03d.ft4      Typical AZ Format Template.