19804 Maycrest Way
Germantown MD 20876 USA
301 806-0867
NMRPipe Processing Functions
ZTP: 3D Matrix Transpose.
ZTP exchanges the current X-Axis of the data stream with the current Z-Axis, so that vectors from the Z-Axis of 3D and 4D data can be processed. In most cases, it is not necessary to use the ZTP function, because Z-Axis vectors can be accessed directly via xyz2pipe -z ... But, ZTP can be used to build processing schemes which process three dimensions in a single pass, as shown below.
Each instance of the ZTP function requires enough memory to fit an entire 3D matrix from the current data; this might not be possible for every case depending on data size and system resources. And, even when possible, it might not be efficient.
This is a variation on the typical 3D HN-detected processing scheme, but in this case using ZTP to processes the 3D data without the need to save an intermediate result. In this scheme, the order of the dimensions is unchanged.
xyz2pipe -in fid/test%03d.fid -x -verb \ | nmrPipe -fn SOL \ | nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.5 -end 0.98 -pow 2 -c 0.5 \ | nmrPipe -fn ZF \ | nmrPipe -fn FT \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 43 -p1 0.0 -di \ | nmrPipe -fn EXT -left -sw \ | nmrPipe -fn TP \ | nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.5 -end 0.98 -pow 1 -c 1.0 \ | nmrPipe -fn ZF \ | nmrPipe -fn FT \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 -135 -p1 180 -di \ | nmrPipe -fn TP \ | nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto \ | nmrPipe -fn TP \ | nmrPipe -fn ZTP \ | nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.5 -end 0.98 -pow 1 -c 0.5 \ | nmrPipe -fn ZF \ | nmrPipe -fn FT \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1 0.0 -di \ | pipe2xyz -out ft/test%03d.ft3 -z